So, I have been sitting here with my hands hovering over the keyboard, wondering what in God's name to write. Where do I start? Ok, so, here we go…
-My name is Paula
-Im 23
-I'm from Ireland (see the video below)
-I talk incessantly, usually pure nonsense
I look like this…..
-I will listen to pretty much any music, but have a serious guilty pleasure of country music J
-I love cheese
-and in 3 weeks' time I'm going to embark on the biggest adventure of my life to date!
I have always been a keen traveller, and for as long as I can remember I have watched travel programmes on TV and said the same thing every time, 'I'm going to do that.' So, that’s the plan, to go and do 'it'. I'm going to go and live the dream. My dream.
My list of dreams is almost endless, my 'Bucket List' currently has 97 things to do! About 7 have been crossed off in the last year or two. Among these were to visit the Sahara Desert, ride on a camel and learn to drive. The latter was the biggest task of all, it took five attempts at the test before I finally convinced the examiner to pass me!
This year I can cross out four in one swoop.
1- Work a Ski Season
2- Learn to Snowboard
3- Visit Canada
4- Work in a foreign country
While browsing the internet at lunch time at my boring 9-5, I came across The Holiday Working Club, one look at their website ( told me everything I needed to know. There was only one question, where do I sign up?
I think I was one of the 1st onto the UK waiting list, and my IEC (International Experience Canada) visa application was signed, sealed and delivered at the 1st opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, there were aspects that scared the life out of me, (and to an extent still do!)
1-Going by myself, half-way across the world.
2-Leaving my family, friends and boyfriend of 6 years behind.
3-Suriving -30 temperatures, I know Ireland is cold, but to use a common Belfast phrase 'That is Baltic!'
I was soon reassured by Andy at The Working Holiday Club (thanks Andy) that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, that I would make lifelong friends and it would all be worth it. So that was it, my money was paid, I had signed the dotted line and I was going…
Looking back on it, the application process seems so long ago. It started in February and by August I had my job offer and flights booked. I had so much support from Andy along the way, even when things got a bit difficult and my visa application was rejected TWICE by the Canadian government, he kept me calm and his wealth of knowledge meant it was all sorted out pronto!
After my interview in Dublin with the representatives from Whistler Blackcomb Resort in British Colombia, Canada, I knew I had made the right decision. The people were so friendly and made me feel comfortable right away.
Initially I was interviewing for a retail position, but after realising that not only had I kissed the Blarney stone, I may as well have snogged the life out of itm they decided I was suited to a different role. Apparently with my talking skills I was 'wasted in retail' and was given the position of Guest Relations Host.
Now all that is left to do is wait until the 24th October and then I'm off! Excitement has well and truly set in, my endless lists of 'things to do before Canada' have been reduced to 'Pack' and 'say goodbye'!
I think I have well and truly talked the ears off my family and friends about this trip and I'm sure they can't wait to see the back of me. At least now have a new outlet for my excitement on here!